Well, bootstrappers are the courageous souls who navigate the entrepreneurial journey without the luxury of financial backing. Sharing our design thinking expertise with these purpose-driven warriors just feels right, you know? Many niches in our world crave their ingenious products and services, and we want to help them drive, eh—thrive 😀.
Why? Because we've walked in their boots. We know the blood, sweat, and tears that go into building something from scratch. It's a wild ride, filled with challenges and liberating freedom. So, let's join forces and support these fellow warriors who, like us, dare to dream big and conquer a world of harmony and progress.
Habit-Trigger: You feel stuck or have no clarity with your project.
Response: Play OnVentures Cards for your project.
Reward: A boost forward to the future.
It's that simple 🙃
The Videos and recipes for each card are publicly available, but only those bootstrappers who sit down and map out their idea, product, or service will get an extra boost in the future.
You'll receive a PDF to print out the 18 essential cards or add them to your favorite digital whiteboard. But there is more:
Step by Step to Project Clarity With 18 Playful Recipes

Hey! Before you start...
Open this first card with valuable information about this playful habit for purpose-driven bootstrappers.

Question Storm
Are you stuck? Unleash your creativity and discover innovative solutions for your product.

Underspend It!
Are you overspending? Discover how to avoid financial pitfalls and ensure profitability for your idea.